Novel Coronavirus (2019- nCov)


For strictly emergency appointments only, please phone the practice on 0141 339 0873

Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new and emerging infectious disease threat. The approach taken by NHS Scotland is to identify potential cases of COVID-19, isolate them and contain the virus. This guidance is designed to protect dental services so that they can continue to operate as usual.

Advice to Patients

Individuals with ‘possible’ or ‘confirmed’ COVID-19 should not be seen for routine dental care and should defer their treatment until clinical resolution. Patients with confirmed cases should also defer their treatment until their local Health Protection Team has advised otherwise.

If you have any of these symptoms (temperature, cough, shortness of breath) within 14 days of travelling to a risk area please contact your GP or NHS 24 (contact 111) by telephone. You should not attend the dental practice, GP surgery or A&E department.

If you have been in contact with someone with 2019- nCov in the past 14 days, but have no symptoms

  • Remain home for 14 days
  • Phone your GP or NHS 24 (111)

If you have been in contact with someone with a confirmed coronavirus infection and have symptoms, please contact you GP or NHS 24. Do not attend your GP practice in person.

To protect yourself and others, it is best to:

  • To kill germs, wash your hands with soap and water, or use a sanitiser gel.
  • Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze.
  • Bin the tissue.

Join Scotland’s Healthiest Patients

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